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Magnesium is an important mineral which promotes health for your nervous system and muscles. It is also a mineral that is easily absorbed through the skin and transported into the body, in fact, studies have shown that the effectiveness is increased through topical application. Magnesium oil is not actually an oil but is referred to as such because of the slightly oily feel that results from magnesium being suspended in water. Our Magnesium Oil is made from pure European Zechstein Magnesium Salt which has been tested and found to be free of mercury, lead, arsenic, and fluoride. This ultra pure form of Magnesium is beneficial to increase your magnesium levels, aid in better sleep, reduce fatigue, and help relax muscles to diminish muscle cramps. Additionally, there have been many studies which have reported that Magnesium Oil greatly benefits those with muscle pain.

Magnesium Oil

  • Pure Zechstein Magnesium Chloride and distilled water. 

  • Our magnesium oil comes in a 4 Oz. spray bottle for easy application. For best results use daily. Spray directly to skin and rub into the area well. Rubbing into the skin increases the absorbtion deep within the tissues. Spray nightly on legs to help to reduce muscle cramps and promote relaxation for better sleep. 

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